During a recent filming expedition to Alaska for the new travel TV show, Great Escapes, Under Armour was kind enough to hook me and my film crew up with some awesome outdoor gear! We spent 10 days traveling throughout the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska while filming three different segments for the TV show. Each day, we were on our feet 12-15 hours either hiking, kayaking, canoeing, boating, or exploring the endless untouched nature of Alaska.
>>> Related: Photo Story: Alaska – Undisturbed Nature
Under Armour sponsored our expedition by providing us with some of their UA Newell Ridge Mid GORE-TEX® waterproof hiking boots which we wore almost non-stop throughout the entire trip. These boots are crazy lightweight (only 16oz) but sturdy enough to tackle the rugged outdoors and hiking trail in Alaska. They are 100% waterproof and we really tested them as it was raining the majority of the time we were there.
We visited Alaska during the summer season which means that it’s light almost the entire day. WIth 21+ hours of sunlight, having proper sunglasses is super important. Under Armour provided us with a few pair of their UA Assist and UA Assist Multiflection™ Sunglasses. These glasses were polarized, which was perfect as we spent a lot of time on the water either kayaking, rafting, or fishing. They were super comfortable to wear and the lenses provided a comfortable level of tint as well as UV protection.
Check out the gear we wore and reviewed! Under Armourprovided us boots and sunglasses for our trip but did not pay me or my crew any money for this review.
![]() UA Newell Ridge Mid GORE-TEX® ($180): http://undrarmr.co/2uSwRgY |
![]() UA Newell Ridge Mid GORE-TEX® ($180): http://undrarmr.co/2uSwRgY |
![]() UA Assist Multiflection™ Sunglasses ($90): http://undrarmr.co/2hl99VX |
![]() UA Assist Sunglasses ($75): http://undrarmr.co/2uSAGCH |